Screen Contrarian's aim is to help creators explore elements of universal storytelling while maintaining the specific nuances and human voices that make their individual projects unique. What sets the brand apart is its emphasis on expressing the client's vision via creative development.
By providing writing support, Screen Contrarian hopes to bridge any gaps that exist between collaborators and spread new and innovative means of storytelling.
Supporting Audiovisual Storytellers. . .
Translation Services
done with the assurance that your contractor is not only fluent in English and the 'from' language, but also in creative writing
Localization Services
carried out by an internationally experienced writer who ensure your work is relatable to the target audience
Creative Writing
provided by a qualified professional with years of experience in transnational coproductions and developments
Screen Contrarian's mission is to provide fast and reliable creative writing support for those within the global entertainment marketplace.
Think of the brand as a one-stop shop for all your development needs. With a hassle-free approach tailored for client satisfaction, a screenwriter is available to help you build IPs, ideas, and stories.