Writing and Development

to help you map out your creative vision

For producers:

  • Writing services for any stage of your project, idea, or IP: bibles, treatments, pitch documents, episodic and feature-length screenplays

  • For episodic television and features screenplays, 'written by' credits may be requested

  • Pay rates correspond with SACD standards (FR)

For creatives:

  • Developmental and screenwriting assistance for directors, animators, novelists, graphic novelists, or other creatives

  • Scripts, pitches, bibles, adaptations, and treatments to accompany client's idea, project, or IP

  • Clients reserve all rights to their properties. For episodic television and feature screenplays, 'written by' credits may be requested

  • Pay rates negotiated depending on the size of the work requested and the number of drafts required (in accordance with SACD standards(FR))

Hire a screenwriter with experience in feature films (Shoot Again Productions), episodic television (Ubisoft, Netflix, 20th Century), adaptations (Gaumont) and web media (Effervescence) -- most of which were transnational developments and productions. If you're looking to put together a project that will require international reach, texts, and communication, Screen Contrarian has the perfect professional waiting for you!

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regarding your writing and development inquiries

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