Writing and Development
to help you map out your creative vision
For producers:
Writing services for any stage of your project, idea, or IP: bibles, treatments, pitch documents, episodic and feature-length screenplays
For episodic television and features screenplays, 'written by' credits may be requested
Pay rates correspond with SACD standards (FR)
For creatives:
Developmental and screenwriting assistance for directors, animators, novelists, graphic novelists, or other creatives
Scripts, pitches, bibles, adaptations, and treatments to accompany client's idea, project, or IP
Clients reserve all rights to their properties. For episodic television and feature screenplays, 'written by' credits may be requested
Pay rates negotiated depending on the size of the work requested and the number of drafts required (in accordance with SACD standards(FR))
Hire a screenwriter with experience in feature films (Shoot Again Productions), episodic television (Ubisoft, Netflix, 20th Century), adaptations (Gaumont) and web media (Effervescence) -- most of which were transnational developments and productions. If you're looking to put together a project that will require international reach, texts, and communication, Screen Contrarian has the perfect professional waiting for you!
Drop a message
regarding your writing and development inquiries